Build contact us page using serverless function (reCaptcha) — Part3
Learn how to host your own website using OpenFaaS serverless function. Also learn how to use serverless function to receive user/customer feedback from contact us page.
In previous articles we learned how to deploy a serverless function on OpenFaaS host our contact us page and receive user/customer feedback via email . In this article we learn how avoid spam on contact us page. There is nothing worse than to find that your contact us form(or any form for that matter) received a lot of those spam submissions.
By verifying that a human is submitting a form, all automated spam attempts are blocked. The added security can also make users feel that the form is secure.
- You read and implemented the first and the second parts!
- reCaptcha site key and secret key (Follow link below to get required keys).
Get Started🏃🏻
To apply on reCaptcha on email serverless function…
- Install
$ cd $HOME/openfaas-contactus/email-fn
$ npm install --save node-fetch
2. Edit handler.js
file as below.
3. Add reCaptcha in index.html file. Edit ui/index.html file as below. Replace {recaptcha_site_key} with your reCaptcha site key.
<html>...<head>...<!-- Add script below --><script src="" async defer></script>...</head>
<body>...<form><!-- Add bellow recaptcha div in form tag -->
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{recaptcha_site_key}"></div>
<button type="submit" name="action">Submit </button>
3. Create reCaptcha secrets in your K8S cluster. Replace variable {your_recaptcha_secret_key} with your reCaptcha secret key and add the secret name in stack.yml file.
$ $ faas-cli secret create secret-key --from-literal "{your_recaptcha_secret_key}"
Push functions to OpenFaaS
To deploy email function, run command below.
$ git add .
$ git commit -sm 'Add reCaptcha.'$ faas up --tag=sha
After less than one minute your OpenFaaS API should be ready.
Let’s try with contact us page
From your browser, navigate to Try to post a message. Now you should receive that message in your email inbox.
If you have any question/issue please share in below comment.
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